We had our first love, still remember the guy i like when i'm in my secondary school. The feeling was so different, which you can't find it anymore. And my first love was on my form 2, I met a guy which was the same age with me. We used to watch movie together, went to school together, and have dinner together. But we broke up after 3 months we started our relationship, others think that we are not serious about it, just like what they called "puppy love". Everyone at my age was like playing games, the longest relationship they can hold was just about 3 to 4 months. But it was good to have such memory in our life, the relationship we used to start without thinking any consequences, and without taking any responsibilities.
I had watched this movie called "You are the apple of my heart" during the weekend, it remind me about my childhood and my friends which i had leftover since graduated. This movie was really touch my heart, I highly recommended this!